Touch the Wave公開しました

「Touch the Wave」が公開されました。オーディオデータの波形にタッチしてスクラッチをするというのをやってみたかったので作ってみたiPhoneアプリです。とりあえず今のところバージョン0.4にしているので、今後、基本的な仕様が大幅に変更されるかもしれません。


Touch the Wave公開しました」への8件のフィードバック

  1. Michael Ashton

    This app is great. It’s so simple and professional! I just downloaded it and I’m downloading some of my own track so I can dj on it. Keep up the good work! Keep developing this app!

  2. Miranda Holloway

    How do I download my own wav. files since I don’t have a Mac computer. I have Windows XP and I’ve tried uploading wav. files onto a web sharing website like mediafire and typing the file url into the application but it doesn’t work. I’ve also tried downloading wav. files from wav. websites by entering the urls into the application and that doesn’t work either. Please help me. I want to add my own tracks to the application so I can enjoy this great app even more.

  3. Yasoshima

    Install apache HTTP server in your PC.
    Update Touch the Wave to version 0.5.
    The folder is made in htdocs of the apache program and the audio file is put.
    Example “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\music\”
    Connect PC with iPhone on the same Wi-Fi network.
    Write URL on the download screen of Touch the Wave.
    Example “http://yourIPAddress/music/”
    Download is begun when start button touching.

  4. Miranda Holloway

    Ok, so I installed apache HTTP server 2.2, but I’m still a little lost on what to do next. Do I just put the music file in that folder that you gave an example of? I tried putting the URL into Touch The Wave but a message always pops up saying ‘error can’t find host.’

  5. Yasoshima

    Rewrite “YourIPAddress” in IP Address of your PC.
    Still, is it useless?Perhaps, apache is not starting.
    Restart your PC. Open apache monitor, and click start button. If it accesses “http://yourIPAddress/music/” by a web browser of your PC, and the list of the
    audio file is displayed, it is OK.

  6. Miranda Holloway

    It works on my PC. The audio file displays on my PC but when I type the url into Touch The Wave on my iPod, it still says ‘cannot find host.’ I guess it’s not going to work. Thanks for your help anyway.


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